St Margaret's at Troy Town CE Primary School

Year 3 Yellow Class

''I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me''- Philippians 4:13

Welcome to Yellow Class 2024-2025

Who are we?

Class teacher: Miss Poynton

Teaching Assistant: Mr Patterson

Term 4: Where in the world?





Important Information:

  •  'Drop off' Man of Kent Gate opens at 8:40am and the gate shuts promptly at 8:50am, so please make sure that you are on time. 
  • 'Pick up' time is 3:15pm and you can collect your child from the playground just outside our classroom door on the upper playground.  Your nearest gate will be the Reception Gate
  • PE will be every Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child comes into school in their PE kit with their school jumper or fleece.  Please note that earrings MUST be removed for PE.  Due to health and safety reasons children cannot take part in PE lessons wearing them (they also cannot be taped). 
  • Homework is given out every week on Thursday and is due back to school by no later than the following Tuesday.
  • Spellings and times tables will be given out on a Monday for a test the following Monday

Other resources:

Times Tables Practice

Times Tables siteTimes tables test

  Spellings- Common exception words Year 1 and 2.

See the source image

Spellings- Common exception words year 3&4.

See the source image{2175}